Guild of Dungeoneering Wiki

Tricksy is one of the Hero Traits attainable by Battle Scars in Guild Of Dungeoneering.

Description[ | ]

The value of Tricksy depends on lot on luck. A good Loot choice at the start of the quest can give a nice boost to any Hero, making those crucial early battles a little easier to get past. Also, the penalty in the final stage of Tricksy is not a big deal since getting gold from choosing Loot that you already have is definitely not the easiest way to accumulate wealth anyway.

The only way Tricksy could be considered a bad Scar is if combined with Scrounger, since it would then become extremely difficult to collect extra gold. The only sources would then be quest rewards and randomly drawn loot cards, which are not drawn frequently enough to provide a consistent boost to your guild's coffers.

[Early Stage]: Start each quest with a level 1 Loot choice
[Final Stage]: In addition to Early Stage, no gold is gained from Treasure

Image[ | ]

Tricksy Early Tricksy Final
